


What’s not to love about food right!? It’s the most important thing we can put in our body to fuel it, nourish it and heal it but with our busy hectic lives we all neglect the REAL food we should be eating. When you deprive your body of the food and nutrients we need, we then become nutrient deficient and then diseases set-in, things such as high-blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, urticaria (hives), lupus, thyroid issues, cancer, etc. etc. – go check out my Links sections of the blog.

You’re probably thinking where do I start? – Well what helped me get started with nutrition were a couple of documentaries I found on Netflix, if you have Netflix I highly recommend checking them out! (Fat Sick & Nearly Dead, Food Matters, Forks over Knives, Hungry for Change, GMO OMG, Sugar Coated, and Food, Inc). If you don’t have Netflix no big deal, you can still head over and check out my Links, I have websites and YouTube channels listed with loads of information! There is so much more out in the internet world than what I have listed so don’t limit yourself to just what I have shown, do your research. Knowledge is power when it comes to cancer and the more you know the better off you are!

Processed food has run our lives for many moons now and it’s just getting worse… Not to mention it’s loaded with GMO’s and it’s severely nutrient deficient due to being so over processed and chemical laden! I’m guilty, I’m one of those people who ate lots of processed food, meats and dairy… heck who isn’t one of those types anymore!? It’s quick, cheap and easy! Everyone LOVES easy! Sure I made some healthier choices than most but that wasn’t enough. What about Vegetables… what are those?! lol I only liked a select few of them and I would rarely include them in my daily life. I even developed a gluten intolerance over the last 5-6 years or so and then developed an intolerance to alot of dairy products as well. I didn’t let that stop me from enjoying the dairy that didn’t bother my tummy, such as cheese and butter. I always said I could never give up meat or my cheese, it’s just too delicious right?! I’m sure most of you will agree with me! I know you’re thinking I’m nuts to say to eliminate those but I’m curious… Could you give up the meat, the dairy, and the processed foods? What if your life depended on it? What if you had cancer and saw dozens and dozens of interviews of people who healed their cancer with nutrition and other natural methods alone without conventional therapies like chemotherapy or radiation? Would you still take chemotherapy KNOWING that it is toxic and ruins your immune system, the very immune system you need to heal?! Well that is my dilemma. I thought long and hard on which route I should take. Once I researched things and learned what I know now… my decision was easy… I said NO to chemotherapy! I’ll say it again since SO many people are going to be shocked by this but I said NO to chemo!

Did you know it is ILLEGAL for any MD to prescribe anything other than surgery, chemotherapy or radiation for cancer? Crazy right?! He/She can lose their license and much worse if he/she prescribes nutrition or anything natural for cancer that isn’t and can’t be patented. Why is that you ask? Because there is no money in a cure, there is no money in Mother Nature since it can’t be patented. Did you also know that oncologists make a profit on chemotherapy drugs because they purchase them directly from pharmaceutical companies and mark them up in price for your insurance company or worse for those that don’t have insurance? It’s the only drug that doctors actually make a profit on, some as much as 60% profits. That doesn’t make sense to me. They make us sick and keep us sick for profit, as far-fetched as that sounds, it’s all too true. There is proof out there that food heals, nutrition heals, but doctors will still claim there is no proof or no studies done. It makes me angry that we are being LIED to about our options. They say so many cancers are terminal yet there are so many testimonials of survivors who were told they were going to die by Medical Doctors but sought help from Alternative Medicine and they survived. I’m not saying ALL MD’s are bad or wrong either at their job. I give SO much respect of those that put us back together when we are broke but they are absolutely horrible at fighting disease. They do not cure or heal you, they only mask the symptoms with drugs, drugs that are toxic to our bodies. I don’t have funds for a naturopathic doctor (Insurance companies do not accept these type of doctors and vice versa many naturopathic doctors do not accept insurance) so I have been researching the internet on how to heal myself. I can’t recommend anything specific for anyone but I can tell you what I’ve found so far and what I’m currently doing to heal myself and my cancer.

So what do you eat to heal? – It’s super simple actually! It seems overwhelming at first but once you get into the swing of things you’ll laugh at how easy this lifestyle is! I eat raw organic fresh vegetables, organic fresh fruits, organic nuts/seeds and I added potatoes into the second month. Why organic? – Because there are no pesticides, herbicides or fungicides and it’s non-GMO. This exact thing I’m doing may or may not work for you, it may have to modified depending on your cancer or how your body responds. During my research I found many survivors that said any nuts or fats did not work for them and their cancer got worse then they removed them and the cancer regressed, then other people who stated they had 1-2 servings nuts a day with no slowed results. What about meat? – No meat! But where do you get your protein? – From the vegetables, nuts/seeds, beans and legumes, along with tons of fiber and all the nutrition your body needs to heal. Worried about your protein? Let me ask you this… Where do cows get their protein? Where do elephants get their protein? Where do gorillas get their protein? See what I’m getting at here? There is plenty of protein found in those options that you don’t need meat. Most meat is GMO anyways, if the meat isn’t GMO itself it’s being fed with contaminated GMO corn and other GMO feed so then the meat is now contaminated, unless you buy organic meat, but meat in general is harder for your body to digest which takes energy, energy your body needs to heal itself. So if you’re fighting cancer, give up the meat for now. You can always add it back in later if you really feel you have to have it right? I gave up all meats including beef, chicken and pork for several reasons actually. It causes cancer (our bodies have the abilities to turn on/off our cancer genes by what we eat, the more meat we eat the greater the chance of this gene being turned on), but I gave it up more for their welfare. After everything I’ve watched, I’ve seen how they are treated as a ‘common practice’ within these farms and I’m not okay with that at all. Common practice means that as long as most of them are doing it, it’s okay then. If you really care about your health you won’t ignore the videos or information you find out about this topic. I ignored it too for far too long because I loved my meat and cheese, then I was woken up to the reality of things.

I mentioned it earlier but I don’t like vegetables. Yeah I know, I kind of flipped out at first switching to this raw organic life because of my issue with the foods I needed and should be eating. I really worried I would not be getting enough of what I needed.  Because of this I found it easier to use my blender to blend some of the veggies and fruits together, I also juice them which is an amazingly fast way to get nutrients and give your digestion tract a rest. I found juicing and the raw organic lifestyle to be the number 1 most common protocol people followed when healing their cancer and illnesses naturally. So I figured this was a must for me if I wanted to get started on the right path, the path to rid my body of all the years of toxins and cancer. How can you rid your body of toxins if you keep feeding it toxic food? Toxins are in more than just our food but that’s a whole separate can of worms there.

I’m keeping my choices boring and simple for a reason. It’s easier for me, might get alittle boring but I throw some things in the mix to switch it up. I will incorporate more variety and even some cooked plant based foods as I go along in my journey. I’m still fairly new to this and trying to get into a routine to get my rhythm down since this new lifestyle is a complete 360 degree change. A typical day for me consists of 2 or 3 smoothies which contains a veggie/1-2 fruits, chia seeds and ground flax seeds mixed together with distilled water, 2-4 juices (not bottled juices!), snacks of fresh fruits/nuts/veggies as whole foods (not blended or juiced) and usually a salad as well. In a typical smoothie I use baby spinach as my base, then I used fruits such as pineapple, mango, raspberries, strawberries or blueberries, I mixed them up for variety so I had different flavored smoothies each time or the same if it was really good the first time! For juicing I did only 1 kind of juice mostly but sometimes also added in a carrot/apple juice. My everyday juice consisted of kale, cilantro, parsley, ginger root, cucumber, celery, carrots, beet root, apple and a lemon. I’ve grown somewhat fond of this and look forward to it daily now!! I’ve felt amazing since I’ve changed my eating habits. I have a strong faith that this is one of the best keys there are out there for disease. (There are more out there than just food for nutrition, which I will blog about as I go.)

While I was not very specific on what to eat exactly, you can find more information on the Links page, with more exact recommendations. Plus go with what you like, experiment or find some recipes you think you’d like and go from there. I found 1 recipe and modified it to my own and have stuck with that.

I hope this post has at least helped to open your eyes to some of the truth. Truth I did not know before I got cancer or before surgery. Had I known about this route I would have been able to save my uterus and one day have children of my own. God had other plans for me. So I will adopt in my future and give some deserving children a home they deserve! So please please do your research… what can it hurt to know more!! Knowledge is power! Share information you find with anyone you know or that is interested in this approach to a better life. You could actually save a life!

While food is by far the most important thing you can do to fight your cancer, I also did other things along my journey to help rid my body of toxins so my body could heal but this post was just so long I will make a new one with the additional things/supplements I used. Please bear with me, I have SO much information crammed into my head from these last 2 months that it’s hard to get it all out in short posts.

Please follow me as I continue to post new blogs about my journey to fight this disease. I also have a Facebook at and an Instagram if you’d like to follow me there as well under ‘girlfightwin’.

Thank you for visiting my blog!

♥ Melissa



Hi all! I’m a bit late to post this exciting news on here but better late than never, right?!

A brief run-down, 3 months ago I was diagnosed with Stage 3B Ovarian Cancer, 2 months ago I had a radical hysterectomy and then I decided not to do chemotherapy but to use nutrition and natural approaches instead. I had blood-work done recently in late September 2016 with a new oncologist to see where my CA125 level was at… and as of 9/28 I AM IN REMISSION!! Holy moly God is good! Time to celebrate with cake and ice-cream right?!? HA, absolutely not!! Why on earth would I want to put back the very poisons that helped contribute to my cancer in the first place??? Instead I celebrated with a big 30oz freshly made juice!! (Please see my blog post “Food” to see what I used in my juice!)

The news that I was in remission came as a huge surprise! I was not expecting those words during my visit. I was expecting the worst on my number but hoping for the best, or expecting a slight drop but not remission!

For the CA125 blood panel anything below ‘35’ is considered normal/remission. In May 2016 when I was hospitalized with strep throat my CA125 was around 580. They did not check my CA125 after surgery as they were waiting to check it right before the start of chemotherapy. As some of you know I decided against chemotherapy because I knew in my heart it would not help me or heal me, but would just poison me and make my life miserable. So instead I started my nutrition and lifestyle change around the end of July and unfortunately I did not have my blood-work checked at the start of that so I was a month into my new way of life when I had my blood-work checked on 8/18 but my CA125 was 86.2 then. So I was not able to see where I truly started after my surgery but I’ll take 86.2 over 580 any day!

Around 5 weeks later I decided it was time to check it again and meet with the new oncologist because I ditched my last one. I had no idea what to expect so my mom and I guessed on a number to see who would be closer, she guessed 70 and I guess 50. I’ll be honest; I was scared and anxious to know what the CA125 was after 5 weeks of following my protocol for my cancer since 8/18. The wait for the doctor to come in the room was brutal! This visit had been on my mind all week to know if what I was doing was working and healing my body. My blood pressure and heart-rate were amazing despite this anxiousness! My blood pressure was 112/67 and heart-rate of 57, this was unheard of for me for a doctor’s visit. I’ve always been one of those that my blood pressure and heart-rate raises drastically; they call it white coat syndrome or whatever. Did I mention I used to have really bad anxiety? For no reason sometimes I would just get an anxiety attack and sometimes I had reasons. Since this change in my lifestyle I have not had the anxiety I had before! You would think I would still have the anxiety having cancer and all the other trauma but nope, I’ve been actually very happy and upbeat despite circumstances. I have the nutrition and juicing to thank for that! I have a prescription for my anxiety and have only had to take 1 pill in the last 2 months and that was just to help me sleep!

I’m rambling but anyways.. lol.. So the doctor finally comes in. He said his ‘Hi how are you’s’ to my mom and I and then said “you’re blood-work came back normal, you’re in a normal range.” My heart-rate doubled as soon as he said that. I said “what?, what’s normal range?” I did not tell him I previously had it tested 5 weeks earlier. He assumed I last had it checked in May before surgery. He then told me the normal range number being 35 and he said mine was 12.2! I wanted to shout with excitement right there but I remained cool, calm and collected. He is no doctor I would recommend to anyone as he proceeded to try to scare me into chemotherapy despite now being in remission saying I will die if I do not do chemotherapy and I’m not cured unless I do chemotherapy. After everything I watched and learned over these last 2 months, it’s TEXTBOOK to what these natural survivors said they would say and do to me to try to rush me into chemotherapy because I have a big fat $$$ on my head due to my cancer. I could keep going as to why this upsets and angers me but I would be here awhile. I will keep repeating this phrase on as many of my blogs/posts as I can but do your research! I do not take well to someone trying to murder me or people I know, especially a doctor. I know people will have mixed feelings about my blog or things I say but I’m living proof this route works. There is recorded proof of living survivors with all kinds of cancer, incurable cancers (according to doctors anyways) and yet people still don’t want to believe. I can completely understand though, we’ve been brainwashed for so long it’s hard to grasp the fact that cancer is able to heal/reverse itself by natural means. Heck I’m in remission from it and I’m still in shock that I did it! I’m very very blessed to get this second chance at life and I hope to help anyone I can as much as I can. I don’t have experience in this if you’ve done chemotherapy as I have not, but I’ve found tons of videos and interviews of how people did it. Not going to lie, if you’ve had chemotherapy your journey will be harder to eliminate all extra toxins from the chemo and all those other drugs they give you to cover up all the symptoms of the chemo, BUT it can be done. Check out my Links section of my blog as I have some links with survivors, some who have done chemo, some who done it without! Also look into the suggested videos of other survivors too on YouTube (usually on the right hand side) once you finish watching some of them. I hope to one day get to do an interview with Chris from! He’s been a huge help to me with his many videos and his website/blog.

Please follow me as I continue to post new blogs about my journey to fight this disease. I also have a Facebook at and an Instagram if you’d like to follow me there as well under ‘girlfightwin’.

Thank you for visiting my blog!

♥ Melissa